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Best Looking Skyrim Mod Combination?


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Hello,well in your opinion,what mods work well together? next week ill get a new video card so im looking for mods that look good together,for example the HD Textures with ETC other textures and that kind of things,best combination of mods for you? Edited by Payne18
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Hello,well in your opinion,what mods work well together? next week ill get a new video card so im looking for mods that look good together,for example the HD Textures with ETC other textures and that kind of things,best combination of mods for you?




S.T.E.P. guide with an ENB like Project ENB





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Here's my experience of my currently used and recommended mods:



Terrain (Currently using):


Bethesda Hi-Res Texture Pack, Bump Roads Vanilla V1o5, Enhanced Distant Terrain, Realistic Water Textures and Terrain, Lush Trees, Trees LODs with shadows.



[Terrain (Currently not using but also recommended):


Texture Pack Combiner (which uses Skyrim HD - 2K Textures, Serious HD Retexture Skyrim, and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul), Terrain Bump - Texture Pack, Lush Grass, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Bump Markarth Vanilla V1, Bump Mountains Vanilla, Bump Riften Vanilla V1, Bump Snow Vanilla, Bump Solitude Vanilla V1, Bump Whiterun Vanilla V1, Bump Winterhold Vanilla V1, Better Dynamic Snow, WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux, Pure Waters



Sky (Currently using):


Skyrim Sunglare V4



Sky (Currently not using but recommended):


Sun and clouds textures, Dramatic Clouds



Armours (Currently using):


aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Dragonplate HD Re-color, Dawnguard Vampire Armors CBBEv3, Warchief Armor



Character Mods (Currently using):


No More Blocky Faces, AOF Believable Hair -Female and Male-, CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod (Adult Mod), Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE (Adult Mod), CBBE skin texture V2 V3 plus Thepal and UNP compatible (Adult Mod), Improved Eyes Skyrim, XCE - Brows, The Eye of the Guard, Slimmer Horse Shape



Various other visual-based mods (Currently using):


Footprints, Get Snowy, Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM, Deadly Spell Impacts



Weather / Lighting (Currently not using as I'm writing my own mod for this category):


Realistic Lighting With Customization, Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel, RCRN v3 HDR - Realistic Colors and Real Nights



So that's my suggestions / recommendations! Bear in mind that I setup my Skyrim mod collection to improve but be faithful to the original game, and also be performance friendly. There are other mods which alter the cities around Skyrim, add loads of new clothing and armours, alternative rocks etc, but I've left them out just because this list is long enough already!


Hope this helps.

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