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Credo - WIP


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While I am saddened to learn that Actusreus no longer has time to devote to the mod (as I understand it) I am still quite heartened by what has been accomplished. Of particular interest is the Stormcloak armor range which seems complete. The Knight armor, 2 footman attire, 1 guardsman uniform and Ulfric's full battle regalia (if it can ever be hammered out) are an extraordinary lineup in their own right. I was quite surprised to hear that when the Credo materials were not to be compiled but used by modders as assets that they at least were not implemented in their own mod.

Since I am new to this topic (and not knowledgeable of current talks) I was wondering if anyone had been working on the aforementioned armors for a Stormcloak only mod. Certainly they would standout among the other guards and holds but I believe the flavor it would add would offset this irregularity. I think the Imperial's are fine with their armor range, but the vanilla Stormcloaks suffer for lack of much to wear. I imagine Ulfric's armor would be the more troublesome of the lot, but surely that can be left out until the kinks have been tweaked.

If I was mistaken in my assumptions then I defer to those who know about the subject at hand.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Looks good. Except that the textures are pretty bad. Atleast on the pics. And I thought we decided to keep vanilla symbols.

I think the same for the solitude symbol :D

I've got a good textures for the helmet, heavyplate boots and heavyplate gloves(not showed in medivals's pic)

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