mightymuffin007 Posted October 5, 2012 Share Posted October 5, 2012 Hey, This may not be the right forums, but I have been trying to mod Skyrim correctly for the past 2 weeks. Each time I got something stable, I would have stuttering in dungeons and big world spaces, and I would end up with seemingly random CTDs during game play (usually near battle locations or when NPCs were being loaded in). I followed S.T.E.P. each time, and I had amazing FPS as compared to vanilla with just S.T.E.P. However, when I added other mods (of which I added several), I kept getting CTDs during game play. My most recent attempt at creating stability in the load order has caused a problem when the mods are loading after the load screen, and so I had to uninstall all the mods - again. I know a problem might be with the added textures and big mods (ASIS, Warzones) hogging resources. I tried reducing the amount of textures, but the instability was still there. It may just be I need help with proper installation order after S.T.E.P., then help modifying the load order. Or I may just have to really axe a lot of these mods, even though it'll make Skyrim that much less entertaining. Plus, my system isn't a low-end PC - only a year old and with a good CPU (i5 2500K), a good GPU (560 Ti), good Memory (8 GB), and installed on an SSD that doesn't have the OS on it (it has its own SSD). I also am debating between UFO and EFF, although right now leaning towards EFF. However, if someone knows that one is not as stable/has conflicts, then that will help cement the decision. I have included the list of mods I currently have and want in the game. Some of these have been added since my first attempt, while some are missing from my first attempt (after discovering incompatibilities, redundancies, and overall unnecessary mods for my game). I also have Dawnguard, the High-Res Texture Pack, and Hearthfire. I also use BOSS to sort out load orders, as well as Wyre Bash to make the Bashed Patch. I think I'm going to try installing without any big texture mods from S.T.E.P for a change. However, if someone sees a conflict or problem with the mods, or suggestions on how to get them to play nice with each other in the load order, I would greatly appreciate the assistance! S.T.E.P. Mods - using 2.2.0a, performance options when available. Also, for Texture Pack Combiner, I have tried normal and LITE versions, as well as tried with several optional files, with reduced optional files, and with only required files. - All Core Mods in S.T.E.P. - Realistic Hair - Running With Bows - That's Ice - Eyes of Beauty - Animated Weapon Enchants - Enchantment Effect Replacer - Finer Dust - HD Baskets - HQ Beards - Improved Torches - Improved Weapon Impact Effects - Lockpick Inventory Remodel - New Thinner Torch - No Spinning Death Animation - Pilgrims Delight - Real Effect Candle - Realistic Paper - Vibrant Auroras - Warmer Magic Lights - Alter Descriptions - Colored Map Markers - Skill Interface Re-Texture - Smaller Cursor - Spinning Skyrim Emblem - KenMod Time on Loading Screen - Ambient Seagulls - Better Bards - Immersive Skyrim Thunder (since I can't have CoT) - Roosters at Dawn - Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge - Auto UnEquip Ammo - Bring Out Your Dead - Dark Brotherhood to Misc - More Salt Please - Move It Dammit - No NPC Greetings My Mods:Automatic Variants (and all available AV packs)A Quality World MapACEACE - Dawnguard Z ArrowsAetherium Armor and Swords CompilationaMidianBorn Book of Silence (also had the stand-alones before the release of this)Appropriately Attired JarlsArvak RebornASISAtvir DresBandolierBandloier DawnguardBetter Fast TravelBetter Females - I am open to suggestions of other mods like this.Better SortingBirds of SkyrimBrawl Bugs PatchBrown Mountains and RocksBuild Your Own HomeBuyable Paintings and PicturesCastle Grey (incompatible with UFO, which I had originally, but now am trying out EFF)Categorized Favorites MenuCategorized Favorites Menu Oni EditionCerwiden FollwerClanking ArmorClassic Classes and BirthsignsCloaks of SkyrimCrossbows Basic CollectionDagi-Raht Khajiit RaceDagi-Raht Khajiit ReplacerDawnguard Paladin ArmorDawnstar ExpandedDeadly DragonsDeadly Spell ImpactsDovahkriid - The Dragon LordsDragon Real ShoutDragon Souls to AttributesDuel - Combat RealismDwemer AutobladeDwemer Exploding Traps Bombs and ArrowsDwemer SpectresEconomics of SkyrimEthereal Elven OverhaulEvery City Have Various Guard OutfitsExpanded Winterhold Destruction RuinsExtensible Follower Framework (this or UFO?)Feminine Running and New Dash AnimationFirst-Person MessagesFootprintsForgotten MasteryFrost Giants in the ColdFrostfallGlowing Ore Veins 300Guard Dialogue OverhaulHarvest OverhaulHiRes Legible Road SignsHoth FollowerImmediate DragonsImmersive Armors (plus UNP Support)Immersive PatrolsImproved Dragon ShoutsImproved NPC ClothingIshs Souls to PerksLost Paladins of the Divines Wrath ArmorMagic DuelMakeup TweaksMercyMining More AND FasterMonster Wars (there was a recent update with this, and I'm currently not sure how to install if I don't want the Blue-Stripes and Hardcore stuff)Moonpath to ElsweyrMore Hotkeys PleaseMuch Ado about SNow ElvesMy Home is Your HomeNchuzzrezar - a dwemer mansion (Wyre Bash says that this file may be corrupted or just simply unrecognized).New Animations for Elegant ArchersNo Boring Sleep-Wait MenuNord Needs (Compatability Patches for Real Wildlife Skyrim and Skyrim Monster Mod)Old Blue ElderScrolls HealingPlayer HeadtrackingPopulated CitiesRace TalentRacial Traits ImprovedReal WildlifeRealistic Crime RadiusRealistic Lighting with Customization (again, without CoT, no darker dungeons and nights)Recruit More BladesRun For Your LivesSchool of Knowledge and YouthSchool of Knowledge in Solitude and MarkarthSeductive LipsSexy Maids of SkyrimSKSE_Community UncapperSkyBirdsSkyrim Monster ModSkyrim Monster Mod Lore-friendly Replacer and Dragons removedSkyTEST - Realistic Animals and PredatorsSkyUISolitude Docks DistrictSupreme and Volumetric FogSyynxs Perky Perk OverhaulTamriel CompendiumThe Dance of DeathTK HitStopTundra Defense (a bit iffy about if I really want this. I haven't included it in Load Orders for the past few runs, so I know it isn't part of the problem. However, I don't want to include it if it will end up becoming a problem later on.)UFO (this or EFF?)Unique High Definition Textures (Weapons, Shields, and Dawnguard Update)Unique Region NamesUnofficial Dawnguard and Skyrim PatchesUNP Replacer Configuration PackageUNP Dawnguard ArmorsUNP Female ArmorsWARZONESWearable LanternsWhiterun Environment Upgrade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted October 5, 2012 Share Posted October 5, 2012 Can you post your BOSS log instead? It's hard to help with load order unless it is shown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightymuffin007 Posted October 5, 2012 Author Share Posted October 5, 2012 I think I got this right - never posted BOSS logs before. This is my most recent attempt, forgoing big texture mods from S.T.E.P. The first spoiler is the list of plugins BOSS recognizes. The second one is the list of plugins it does not recognize. I do make the following changes after BOSS: 1.) Perky.esp goes before ACE modules, as it is a rehaul of all perks.2.) I move Duel - Combat Realism to below ACE.3.) Personal Lockpicking is my mod to adjust Lockpicking difficulty, so I leave that at the bottom (only gameplay setting changes).4.) Nord Needs says to put the main file, as well as the compatability files, after their respective files. Since I'm using both, I'll put them after the one highest on the load order (closer to bottom of list, if I said that wrong). 5.) I move Batched Patch, Automatic Variants, ASIS-Dependency, and ASIS to the bottom of the list. Everything else I leave alone (I think, done this so many times). I then do the SkyProc Patching for Automatic Variants first, then ASIS (a few adjustments on Automatic Variants, and the default settings on ASIS). I then activate both of them and run the "Rebuild Patch..." in Wyre Bash. I then activate that patch and restart NMM (if it was on), then run SKSE from there. Only reason I didn't post it at first was because I had just uninstalled everything to try again. Hopefully this helps, and I didn't mess up or copy the wrong thing. NOTE: ASIS, Automatic Variants, and Batched Patch are supposed to be Inactive. These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action. Skyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveDawnguard.esm ActiveHearthFires.esm ActiveLB_MuchAdoSnowElves.esm ActiveSkyMoMod.esm ActiveSPIKE.esm ActiveWARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm ActiveMagicDuel.esm Activemoonpath.esm ActiveNchuzzrezar.esm ActiveSolitude A City Of Trade.esm ActiveWinterholdDestruction.esm ActiveXFLMain.esm ActiveNote: For safe mod uninstall see special uninstallation instructions on mod page.RaceCompatibility.esm ActiveHighResTexturePack01.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack02.esp ActiveBrawl Bugs CE.esp Activeinvinciblehawkfix.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ActiveChesko_Frostfall.esp ActiveSupreme Fog.esp ActiveImproved Combat Sounds v2.1.esp ActiveRooster At Dawn v1.0.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting.esp ActiveEconomics of Skyrim.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Ars Metallica.esp ActiveArs Metallica - Dawnguard.esp ActiveBirdsofskyrim.esp ActiveBLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions.esp ActiveCarriage1.esp ActiveChesko_WearableLantern.esp ActiveDwemer Spectres.esp ActiveGuard Dialogue Overhaul.esp ActiveIsh's Souls to Perks.esp ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Default.esp ActivePilgrimsDelight.esp ActiveRadiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp ActiveReal Wildlife Skyrim 0.1.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp ActiveSkyrim Flora Overhaul.esp ActiveConvenient Horses.esp ActiveAuto Unequip Ammo.esp ActiveChesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp ActiveAetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp ActiveCloaks - Player Only.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}Note: Use only one cloaks*espCloaks.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}Note: Use only one cloaks*espCloaks - No Imperial.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}Note: Use only one cloaks*espCrossbow_Basic_Collection_LListed_EN.esp ActiveDwemerAutoBlade.esp ActiveElemental Staves.esp Activehothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}Dr_Bandolier.esp ActiveDr_BandolierDG.esp ActiveHarvestOverhaul.esp ActiveDeadlyDragons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}buildablehouse.esp ActiveCastleGrey.esp ActiveRIC_Dawnstar.esp ActiveExpandedWinterholdRuins.esp ActiveLB_MuchAdoSnowElves_Quest.esp Activemoonpath_questdata.esp ActiveMy Home Is Your Home.esp ActiveNchuzzrezar.esp ActiveRun For Your Lives.esp ActiveSkyHavenTempleEnhanced.esp ActiveSKY.esp ActiveSolitudeSKY.esp ActiveSkyrimChimneysRW.esp ActiveThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp ActiveWaterbreathing Breathless Emerge.esp ActiveBetter Dynamic Snow.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp ActiveHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp ActiveHeadtracking.esp ActiveImmediateDragons.esp ActiveMercy.esp ActiveMore Salt Please.esp ActivedD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp ActivedD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp ActiveReadIt.esp ActiveSkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp ActivedD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp ActiveRequires: Skyrim Monster Mod_Compatibility Patch \ Dawnguard and Monster Mod.dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp ActiveVariousGuardReplacer.esp ActiveCampingKitNorthernRanger.esp ActiveNote: Use only one CampingKitNorthernRangerUnique Region Names.esp ActivePopulated Cities 2.esp ActivedD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp ActiveNote: Ragdolls will conflict with other mods that change the skeleton.nif. Check Custom Skeleton Replacers for compatibly with other skeleton.nif.ForgottenMastery.esp ActiveHitStop.esp ActiveDragonRealShout.esp ActiveImproved Dragon Shouts.esp ActiveDeadlySpellImpacts.esp ActiveDeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp ActiveMore Visible Soul Trap Effect.esp ActiveRealistic crime report radius.esp ActiveDuel - Combat Realism.esp ActiveACE BYOG.esp ActiveACE Speech.esp ActiveACE Archery.esp ActiveACE Armor.esp ActiveACE Enchanting.esp ActiveACE Magic.esp ActiveACE Melee.esp ActiveACE Smithing.esp ActiveACE Synergy.esp ActiveRacial Traits Improved.esp Activeethereal_elven_overhaul.esp ActiveTheEyesOfBeauty.esp Activedagi_raht_race.esp ActiveXFLDialogue.esp ActiveXFLPlugins.esp ActiveSlightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp ActiveAtvir.esp ActiveHothFollower.esp ActiveSMSkyrim.esp ActiveFollower Trap Safety.esp ActiveCerwidenCompanion.esp ActivemoveitLWT.esp ActiveClassicClasses.esp ActiveFirst Person Messages.esp ActiveAnimated Weapon Enchants.esp ActiveWATER.esp ActiveWATER - Get Wet.esp ActiveBlacksmithforge water fix.esp ActiveCartographers Map Markers.esp ActiveBashed Patch, 0.espAutomatic Variants.esp ActiveASIS-Dependency.esp ActiveASIS.esp The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed. Perky.esp ActivePersonal Lockpicking Adjustments.esp ActiveBroyu Smithing Package.esp ActiveConvenient Horses - Unique Frost.esp ActiveBarbasLessAnnoying.esp ActiveClanking Armor.esp Activekhajiit_replacer.esp ActiveDawnguardPaladinArmor.esp ActiveDragon Souls To Attributes.esp ActiveFrost Giants in the Cold.esp ActiveHarvestOverhaulDawnguard.esp ActiveHarvestOverhaulCreaturesDawnguard.esp ActiveLpotDHorse.esp ActiveLPotD Armor.esp ActiveNordNeeds.esp ActiveNordNeed_RW-Skyrim_patch_001.esp ActiveNordNeeds_SkyMoMod_patch_100ex.esp ActiveRaceTalentSetting.esp ActiveEnvirnment.esp Active Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted October 5, 2012 Share Posted October 5, 2012 Ok, well .... I don't have your solution but I can try to help. As I'm sure you know, you have a huge number of mods, and some really big ones. Your system is nice (much better than mine!) but the 8 GB is not actually available to Skyrim. As a 32-bit game, it can only use about 4GB of that. Usually that would be more than enough, but with so many mods...have you ever checked to see how much Skyrim is actually using? A program like CPU-Z could help you determine if your problem is simply that your game is exceeding the memory limitations present in a 32-bit app. Truly random crashes, or crashes that seem to occur after a certain amount of time (rather than location) are most likely to be caused by hardware issues.This could be that your graphics settings are too high, your CPU and/or GPU exceeds safe temperatures, or your memory is exceeded.If it is a memory issue, it would more likely be preceded by lagging or freezing, not just a sudden crash, although if the problem is related to another application (like an autoupdate) suddenly taking up all your RAM a sudden crash could be the result. The solution in any of those cases would be to reduce your graphics settings, reduce your applications.... If the problem were related to a single mod (like a script error) or mod conflict, you would probably be seeing fairly predictable crashes, either related to location or activity. If this is more what you are seeing, you could try looking at your papyrus log for any errors that occur at the time of the crash. Honestly, my own gut feeling is that the bottom line is that you are running too many mods, especially large mods and texture/lighting mods.SkyMo by itself has become a giant mod as far as memory requirements. You could go through the troubleshooting process, and you might find it, or you might be working on it for a very long time without luck. Especially with Dawnguard, some mods are compatible, some not.Especially if you have been uninstalling/reinstalling mods to try to figure it out so far, the problem could be a leftover script from an incompletely removed mod.... What I would do in your case, although it would be painful, is I would start with a complete uninstall and clean reinstall of vanilla skyrim. Then I would decide on what I think is the most important mod (or Mod process) to me (maybe STEP, maybe SkyMo, whatever it's totally personal.) Run BOSS, run the game, make sure it is working. Then decide on what is the next mod dearest to my heart. etc. Continue until you notice there is a problem. At that point, do not keep adding mods, but uninstall the mod exactly as the mod author instructs, go back to your game and make sure it is working properly.Then you can try a different mod....or, at some point, stop. There are a ton of awesome mods out there, and I know there are people who play with tons of mods. However, every time you add a mod, it increases your risk of having conflicts and other problems. The mods you don't use this play-through be there to make your next game a new experience. If you are really attached to your current game and can rule out hardware issues, then Bben's mod troubleshooting guide can walk you through the process of identifying the mods that are problems for you. It is a painstaking process, but it is your best chance of isolating the conflict. Good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightymuffin007 Posted October 5, 2012 Author Share Posted October 5, 2012 Thank you for the help. Kudos Given! I had read about the 32-bit part, and Skyrim only being able to use 4GB. However, when I successfully completed S.T.E.P. with no drop in FPS anywhere I went, I went on a bit of an ego trip and started downloading everything in sight. I thought if my system hadn't slowed down to S.T.E.P., then it shouldn't slow down to any other mods. Of course, I was dead wrong. So far, the latest things I've done have reduced instant CTDs, and what happens more often is I'll freeze up in the Warzones for WARZONES. Music keeps playing, but I can't move and must Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out. So I have a feeling that Warzones is too resource intensive for my dream Skyrim world. However, found a replacement (Occupy Skyrim) for it that fits more of what I want, and may alleviate some of the stress (fingers crossed). I'll take your advice, but I may wait and see how this next try does. If there are still problems, I'll follow your advice and just restart everything. Again, thanks for the help and advice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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