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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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I'm allowed to have a casino, why can't he have 8 men? :confused:


it really doesn't matter that much, I'll just have to think things through a little more. I suppose the main reason is prostitutes and table dealers don't usually pack heat, If they do, it's probably a pistol or something, if I had a company (80-255 soldiers) all with service rifles... well, I see their point :laugh:

Edited by Brutii
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I am not real sure what is going on here with some of your argument post. We typically stay out of this and let these thing run, but if the fighting and bickering continues I am more than happy to shut down a RP thread. I suggest some of you think carefully before you post as the same rules of conduct still apply here. Also as far as RP goes I have had a lot of experience and am more than happy to direct you to some general RP guildlines (which I posted myself on these forums.)


Now work this stuff out in an adult manner or lose your RP.


Don't make me come back here.


*Gives evil eye, fluffs hair and sashays out the door*

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This is true.. I stopped bothering to argue and mentioned the issues to Dante when it didn't look like it was gonna abate, but that was primarily to keep myself RPing, and not have him axe my privs.


Baldur, I've taken a little time to think about what you've said, and going over my past 5/6 characters your (you have no idea how bad this hurts me to admit) your right. I'm (*gags on own words*) sorry everybody. Being me, it takes me time to admit these things.

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Hmm... this is a complicated situation involving Jason and Jace. Not sure what to do. I'm deciding whether to stay in character and have Jason shoot him or not. I mean, Macman decides whether Jace would die, but Jason will shoot right for the head. :ermm:


Hm, Jason kinda DOES have a weight on his shoulders, though. He's carrying a large rucksack three-quarters full of stuff.


Damn, I was hoping that Jason would reveal his Brotherhood status later down the road of his own decision. Well, there goes half his personal story :pinch:

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This is true.. I stopped bothering to argue and mentioned the issues to Dante when it didn't look like it was gonna abate, but that was primarily to keep myself RPing, and not have him axe my privs.


Baldur, I've taken a little time to think about what you've said, and going over my past 5/6 characters your (you have no idea how bad this hurts me to admit) your right. I'm (*gags on own words*) sorry everybody. Being me, it takes me time to admit these things.


I do not care for apologies, after all, they can just be lipservice. What I care about is ACTION. From now on, your actions will determine the worth of your words. You actually listen to us, and tone stuff down, then your apology has worth and merit. If you remain the same, it was mere lip service and I will continue ignoring your posts and stuff. Can't say fairer than that.

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Just a heads up, Brutii, there are two main groups of people.


Jason, Jace, and Greebo are in Novac, while Renato, Daniel, and Lady Kihlkov are in the Sodom. No enclave troops or regulators about to shoot each other for miles from where Roland is (That's how I'll name him)

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