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"Damaged" Gen 1 Synths with feral ghoul animations to replace feral ghouls


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this is my 2nd or 3rd request for this but this time i will be as detailed as possible. i was wondering if someone could take the gen 1 synth model and re-rig it to have feral ghoul animations and make them as if they are "broken" but they still are powered. the sounds should be glitched too. their voice could be repeating gen 1 synth voice lines or they would say things that make no sense. and id make some of the model heavily damaged gen 2 (ones with most of the gen 1 skeleton showing). they should have feral ghoul AI so they would attack working synths too. hopefully someone could do this. id love to have zombie robots in fallout 4. they should have been there to start with in my opinion.

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it probably wont look as cool as you imagine. Like the hunching and twisting will make metal parts curved and flexible like flesh

I could try it. Not sure on voice though.

if you can make the voices xwms i can make my own sounds. i don't know how to edit fuz files

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