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House bug in Hearthfire


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My problem is that i have built the small house, main hall and the cellar... then i started with the armery and only with this, and i went to buy the materials and when i came back to my house i couldn't build it because i could't see the walls and thoose things at the carpenter table and at the plans table i can only see the firts part of the house the one that i have first built!! and the thing is that everithing that i have built is there!!

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to fix it??

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So when I build the foundation for the house, it won't appear. I can continue using the carpenter's bench to build the framing, walls, floors etc, but nothing ever appears on the lot. What gives?


I have the same issue. Lakeview worked perfectly but I'm having trouble with Windstad.


Same thing for me, just bought the DLC, buy land near Morthal, activate workbench and everything, but nothing is appearing, no foundation, no nothing. I tought it was normal and continued building more to the house, but I dont have a house? WTF


I have the exact same issue, I tried console commands so I could get resources to build past everything and it still didn't work. Not even the Misc items appeared.


Check to see if you have skyrim distant detail mod enabled, disabling it fixed this problem for us.




Are you referring to the Enhanced Distant Terrain mod? I tried disabling that and it didn't work.


Anyone have a solution?

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I'm having this exact same problem. I came onto the forums to post my own topic asking about it but it looks like I'm not alone.

When I build something (like a foundation or wall etc) it doesn't appear for up to 10 minutes.

At first I thought it just wasn't building, then I realized it was just taking FOREVER.


A couple other issues I'm having are


1) when I use the workbench sometimes it takes a million tries to get any options to appear on it. This seems to be related to waiting for built objects to appear, i.e.if I build a wall the workbench wont let me make anything till the wall appears in game.


2) the more I build the larger my save game gets. if I load my save before I bought the land (I bought the falkreath one btw) my save is like 13 mb, if I build the house and all additions it can go up to 23 mb or more, at one point I had my saves up to 50 mb. I uninstalled hearthfire, loaded my save, resaved it and reinstalled hearthfire. Then I bought the land again. since then I didn't get any saves above 23 mb, but thats still insane.


Moral of the story: if they don't fix this, I wont be building any houses.



edit: I don't have the distant detail mod either so its not that. pretty much all of my mods are clothing or body mods.

Edited by sol740
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I found a solution to fix the same issue, I posted in this thread what I did.


I don't think this is the only way to fix the bug, there are probably more mods that conflict with Hearthfire than this one. I just know disabling this mod fixed it for me.


The most likely problem is that there is a conflict between one of the mods you have downloaded with spawn locations in the Windstad Manor and possibly the Dawnstar Hall. I hope this helps out anyone.

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