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Unable to drop items


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I have a bunch of mods like FWE, MMM, WMK, EVE, Fellout...


Well when I open my pipboy I only have the option to repair my items and not to drop, equip, or hotkey them. However I can hotkey them because I know how. I've never played on PC before so I dunno what the key is to drop...what could cause this problem? I'm thinking it might be FWE, but I'm not sure.

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Oen the pipboy and right click on the item, if you have less than five, you will only be able to drop one with each click. If you want to drop more, just continue to right click. If you have more than five, a dialoge box will open with options for the amount you want to drop. To equip an item, left click on it in the pipboy. This is all explained in the instructions that came with the game. You have added some of the most complicated mods available. You should become familiar with the operation of the game before you start modding it.
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