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My no lag helpful tips and tricks Nvidia only


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This is only for nvidia users with 144mhz monitors or higher.


These simple tricks may gain you 30fps at most or no lag.


Tip 1: To unlock these tricks simply turn off scaling in control panel under Adjust Desktop size and position. To no scaling at all.


Tip 2: Simply turn off nvidia overlay in the geforce experience app.


If you are a skse user


Tip 3: Download the havok fix for skse, and use its vsync. .https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18160


If you have any more tips to help us and the quest for no lag period. It would be great help for us who where suffering from such thing as lag or fps trop.

Skyrim never ran so silky smooth now, woot.. :dance: :smile: . Note i have been modding the heck out Skyrim with these tweaks and it still a solid fps of 60.


basic specs

Ryzen 2700

gtx 1070 Zotac 8gb

4x4 16gb ddr4 at 2933mhz

Edited by niphilim222
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