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Should I buy a Ps3?


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I decided I wanted a ps3 for christmas, my parents agreed on the condition that I pay half.

Only problem is I got no money and will have to get a part time job or something to get it.


But I ask the forum IS IT WORTH IT?

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It's a toy, if you want to play real games get a decent PC. One that is upgradeable so when the game specs change you can change parts to keep up without having to buy the whole thing again. Then, learn how to change those parts and how to build your own. As well as programming, then make your own games. Or at least mod them.


On a PS3, what you see is what you get. On a PC what you see can be changed to what you want.

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Yea i also recommend a PS3, here is a list of some awsome games that i recommend.



Ratchet and Clank Future

Metal Gear Solid 4

Dead Space

Grand Theft Auto IV


PSN store games

Home if it ever gets out

Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty

Pain Really fun game

Stardust HD

High Velocity Bowling



Well theres my list, if anyone wants to expand on it be my guest.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If your really looking into getting a console, i would say get a Xbox 360, Granted they do over heat every once in a while (There is a life time warrantiy on it for that thought). But it has alot of titles that other consoles only wish they had, for example Halo 3 or GoW2. Want a game that u and 4 friends can play togather? Well check out Left 4 Dead, a game by steam and valve the put the xbox agenst the wall with their HL2 Engine. You can also get The Orange Box, witch is 4 games in one box, also a steam produce. The list just goes on, the 360 also has playablity, multi-player never gets old.


But if you want something for a long term use, defenatly get a PC and upgrade it. Just so you can play CRYSIS ON MAXIMUIM SETTINGS!!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!

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