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Should I buy a Ps3?


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IMO, Little Big Planet and MGS4 are the only exclusive games truly worth getting.


1 word and a number: RESISTANCE 2

No, wait, Gran Turismo 5 when it comes out, It will have the best graphics ever.

Is Burnout paradise avaliable on Xbox? (not being sarcastic or anything)

And on the subject of Xboxs overheating "from time to time", my cousins broke, completely, and a friend of mines had some repair work done because it broke. I wouldn't get one for reliability.

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Gran turismo 5 is already out just to let you know, i have it to great game. But there is one problem it lacks cars, gran turismo 4 had well over 600 cars, i think this one has 300, the online part is cool though.


Resistence 2 is an ok game for people who like FPS, its up to you though.


Im more interested in RPG's like Borderlands and Rise of the Argonauts coming out soon, they are not out yet.

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I thought only GT5 Prologue was out in the UK at the moment. Is mirror's edge a PS3 unique game?

No its on the 360 and the PC and the PC version uses phyix but only if you have an nvidia card



Edit: oh and Id say get a 360 or improve your PC

i can give reasons if you'd like




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Gran Turismo 5 is a ps3 exclusive game, it'll never be on pc or the 360 and mirrors edge is for the ps3 to, its a multi console game.


off topic


Fanboyism is not allowed here, well it should be not allowed at all, only none biased comments or sigs please, and even pics. Please stick to the subject. Oops o_O :D

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The only games that are exclusively PS3 games are Ristance 2 and GT5, Mirriors egde is a PC and Xbox game.



The way i look at it, is this. A PS3 as like 16 CPU's in it, it only uses like 4, Xbox uses all of its CPU's how ever many that is. PS3 has great graphics no doubt, what it lackes is in the FPS, Xbox on the other had doesnt have a huge issue with it FPS because it uses bump mapping instead of high detailed models. Some people think Bump mapping vs High rez models isnt a big deal but youknow.


(above pharaghrape for newbies, High rez models are in games like Crysis, as bump mapping are in games like Gears of War and Halo.)


Yes, Xbox has its problem, i wont dennie that, but so does PS3. What console doesnt? heres the big secret, all a console really is, is the left overs from what companies are making, Xbox 360 is a bunch or old random computer parts put togather (not letteraily) but so is PS3. If you want to play with the big boys, buy a upgradeable PC.


Enough said.

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