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Iron sights zoom a possibility?


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I totally dig the way combat works, but the perspective of my weapon when I zoom in for careful aiming is a bit rough. I find it makes my weapon look truncated and my hand look a bit huge as well. Is it a possibility to shift the camera position or something when aiming to an iron sights perspective similar to what many shooters these days offer? I'd love dearly to be able to turn my crosshairs off and still live through a fight without VATS. Failing that, is it possible to modify the image of your weapon to be a little sleeker or something? I dunno if I'm seeing an image tacked on to my screen, or if its just shifting the position of my camera, but this is the only thing that makes me not want to use first person perspective in combat situations.
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I would like to second a vote for this, should it be possible. I thought it was kind of silly that they bothered to detail the sights onto the guns, and yet they are entirely useless since your view is still off center from the weapon. It makes sense if you were just firing from the hip, but when I take the time to focus and zoom, it seems odd that the gun is still off to the side.
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Having thought a little more on the subject, it occurs to me that the scoped weapons definitely don't zoom like other weapons. Perhaps creating a scope that was really just a rear view of some weapons would do it? If you could open up the full screen to be visible that is, I'm assuming that the scope is just an image laid over most of your screen, unless I'm barking up the wrong scorched shrub.
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^simple... someone has to mod every gun :P

That could be a pain in the A** because you would have to mod every gun and on top of that every gun that a modder makes.....See where i am going with is?

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^simple... someone has to mod every gun :P

That could be a pain in the A** because you would have to mod every gun and on top of that every gun that a modder makes.....See where i am going with is?

They would only have to mod the guns that have no sights at all and no scope. And if people who make new guns include sights on them from the beginning, it wouldn't matter there, either. Of course, even if there were not sight, I'd still like to be able to look down the barrel of the gun and not off to the side of it.

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