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How do i change the color of modded armor?


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there are a couple of armors i'd like to change the color of and the textures are not within the textures.bsa file, i assume this is due to the armor being a mod. so does anyone know how i can change the color of a modded armor?
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If it's not in the textures.bsa when the mod maybe comes with its own archive file you have to unpack or its just in the folder structure (...Skyrim\data\textures...} - you can download NifSkope as well and open the NIF that comes with the modded armor and look up the texture path there (NiTriShapeData=>BSLightningShaderProperties=>TexturePaths)
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i've figured out how to do it. the textures are actually in data/textures. i just opened the .dds with gimp and exported it into a .psd, editted the texture in photoshop and exported it back into gimp to re-convert it into a .dds. then i replaced the new .dds into the textures folder overwritting the previous files and voila. easy as that
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