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New member questions


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Hello, new to nexus (been using the mods you can access from the game), and I have a couple questions on how to get started with using the mods here.


1st - how does one install mods you download here?

2nd - what are TBBP mods (a few i've seen require this), and how do you install it?


If these have been answered before, a redirect would be great.


Thank You

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Tender Breast and Body Physics. It may have dependencies, IE other things needed to make it work.



Very briefly, in general:


You can install Mods manually or use a Mod manager.


You must have the mod version for the version of the game you have.


Having the Unofficial Patches for the game version you have is beyond Highly Recommended.


SkyUI is also a must-have for me.


Many Mods require SKSE. SKSE is not a mod, it's a script extender and has it's own installation. And you need the correct version of SKSE for the game version you have.



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