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More Questions on Making Objects


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Alright I'm still learning the buttons and getting places with the programs I'm using.


Nifskope RC4

Blender 249

Blender 263

Sculptris Alpha 6

Adobe Elements 8


I also have the scripts now to make this stuff work together


Right now I've figured out how to

-port a UV Map from Scriptris to Blender 263 to Blender 249

-Use Scriptris to add details

-Port an altered object/armor from Nifskope into the game

-Delete faces

-Decimate (destroy Polygon Counts/Reduce)

-Copy Paste Weights from an existing armor to target armor

-Create basic shapes in Blender

-Make simple Clothes and Shrink Wrap them.

-How to add Detail with Sculptris

-Basic Armor forms


Things I have yet to do

-Make a new texture map, Deffuse, Specular

-Map textures to a UV Map I made


Big Question

-Polygon Count or Triangles or Faces count

-->Whats the limitation, the CAP I need to stay below for my Project with an Armor??? I don't want to get carried away with Sculptris and fly past the count by several 10,000s of thousands.<--


-Should I look at "Baking" Textures Tuts before I try using a texture program?

-What File size range should my final be in?

Edited by gamefever
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You don't use the high polygon model from Scultpris for the game, it's just for the creation of the normal map...original armors use something like 1-2k polygons, my stuff mostly is made out of 5-10k polygons because i'm pretty lazy when it comes to low polygon modeling. I've even seen stuff with 100k+ ingame (like the flintlock pistol mod) and it worked fine, even on my 4-5year old computer.


If Sculptris is similar to Mudbox then you simply create your texture/normal map and extract it directly, the term "bake" is more used in pure 3D editors like Blender/3DsMax/C4D whatever...it's just the process of converting all details/paint you see on your model into an useable image you can use as texture.


There is no common file size, the models themselves inside NIF files don't need much space, a few KB...textures can be much bigger depending on size (512-4096). So a mod can be anything from a few KB up to hundreds of MB or even more.

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Dang Ghoso,

Thanks a lot for the help, I'm actually following your Tut series on Youtube right now, I'm making the Armor for the Female Model hey it helps keep me motivated haha. Alright I'll try to keep details low and use Decimate a bit, I played around with it last night I think I can add 3d fur trim and stay in the budget.


Have a Kudo's! :D


Actually Fur...I'll normal map that haha tired from all nighters

Edited by gamefever
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