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Mods don't have effect in-game


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I've tried loading every mod I have and none of them work in-game. I've tried clean saves, downloading saves, uninstalling and reinstalling mods, I haven't tried uninstalling the game but I'm hoping there's an easier solution than that. If anyone knows the solution or if anyone has the problem too please post answers here.

EDIT: Tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling, installed all mods from nexus and steam workshop that I had before, enabled a few still not working. If it helps I have wrye bash and it has "auto-ghost" enabled because I have more than 400 mods in data file.

Edited by Thunda4Life
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First off, I am assuming you have a legal copy of Skyrim and you are running it through steam. Otherwise, that would be your problem.


Are you using NMM to download and install your mods? That is the easiest way. If not, you can get it here. Make sure to read the installation instructions, These tutorials can help install NMM and Mods.

Once you download and install (And activate) more than 1 mod through NMM, it is most prudent to run BOSS to make sure it is placed properly and then play the game a while to make sure it works well. This helps you quickly determine what mods are involved if you do run across a problem.


Benerally, BBen's help blog has very useful information for mod troubleshooting, etc.


Hope this helps!

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How do you mean? You can at least post some examples of the mods than you claim aren't working. Oh and, if you didn't enable data files in the skyrim launcher but have installed them via NMM, they don't show up in the launcher. So basically, if you haven't enabled Data Files in the Skyrim Launcher, but installed them via NMM, this is the reason why they don't work ingame.
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Thank you for both your replies, but I've been using NMM and loading the mods through the data files on the launcher and using skse. The mods I'm trying to load for example:

Aethernautics - A Space Travel Mod, Apachii Hair, Climates of Tamriel. Retex mods, like Evil Incarnate Daedric, work though.

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