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A New Power


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Name: Crescent Empire


Region: the Southern desert. Most of the major population epicenters are located along the coast and near the major river (Auanya) that flows east/west across the main island.


Leader: Khirahd-dim


Special trait: Renowned as superior sailors and horsemen the Jhurkstosa are a nomadic people by nature and are adept in surviving long periods of time without food or water in harsh climates. For combat, they typically employ harpoons (since sea food is their major source of meat), scimitars (referred to as short swords) and throwing weapons.


Brief History/military achievements: The formation of the Crescent Empire came about with the dominion of the Overlord Gharad-tsu in the end of the first age of the Empire's history. His military dynasty lasted nearly 30 years before the nomadic tribes known as the Jhurkstosa organized an offensive that drove the ruling class from the island. The Kharadhu Dynasty under Gharad-tsu was essentially over, the military regime ended and a new, more socialist government was drafted in its place. The first act under the new government was the establishment of a naval development program designed to manufacture warships to withold the potential return of the Kharadhu armies. Furthermore, the program developed siege tactics on the sea that used molotov coctails in conjuncture with catapults to burn coastal towns and aggressive ships. Unfortunately, with the unstable government to program's authority was handed over to the Hliklah family which at the time rivaled the Unkjilah family and employed the technology to monopolize the shipping industry within the empire. The current state of their rival had been annulled by the marriage of Vengul Hliklah and Jormursa Unkjilah and stabilizing the shipping industry. The sea military is known as the Raiders (Tyjiulah) and they both serve as a protective force for the Empire and shipping interests as well as a piracy and courrier of black market goods.


As local nobles fell to mob justice autonomous communities soon felt the weight of the decentralized authority as local food depots and supply stations were ransaked of their goods. In the newly decreed capital city of Eiljuh the socialist party, in response to the news of the choas througout the smaller communities appointed emergency powers to Viscount Khirahd-dim who immediately appealed to the Hliklah family and asked for Raider support to control the disorder. The further the townships from the northern coast, the less tact was used by the Raiders to restore order and firebombed towns along the Auanya gave rise to the naming of the region along the river as Jhum-Ghula (or burnt flesh). Once the immediate threats were suppressed troupes of Raiders trained in law enforcement were stationed along the river towns and in the outposts along the desert roads. Local governor's maintain control of the Raiders in addition to the dispursement of supplies and food to the population.


The current state of the government still lies within the emergency powers granted to Viscount Khirahd-dim. Dissenters from the socialist party are claiming that the old ways will follow if his powers aren't soon removed. Supporters claim that the powers are necessary to maintain order as this is the first time in several hundred years that the nomadic Jhurkstosa have a permanent residence and no longer must submit to the will of the Kharadhu Dynasty and their army of mercenaries. The Crescent Empire's tradition of noble rule and hierarchial power have dimished but not faded completely. The sea is dominated by the Raiders and the mainland is controlled by the regional governor's who answer to the Viscount.


They know little to nothing about their neighbor to the north and care little in their affairs unless there is a profit to be made. Also, the Kharadhu Dynasty is in the market for an ally to aid in an invasion of the mainland and retake the stolen.

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Ok, I'm going to have an update on Armiena. I'll post it all later. I don't wanna be on the internet alot right now, what with the latest worm around.


Name: Galoric Empire, Central Division


Region: near the Imperial City, The Central Region is the most prosperous, the most settled, the most politically important.... and the most corrupt. The Central Region is mostly rolling plains and flat grasslands. About half of its inhabitants are independent farmers, and the remainder living in the coastal towns along the ocean and the Imperial City. Over the last 2 years, the Central Region has been mostly rebuilt, though the memories of Emperor Darel's oppression are still fresh.


Leader: Armiena.


History: Armiena served for 6 years in the Central Division Legion, until the conquest by Emperor Darel. She defended the Imperial City against his armies with distinction, but ultimately, numbers overwhelmed skill. The Galoric Emperor surrendered unconditionally, and the Legions were assimilated into their new ruler's armies.

Due to the new.... uses of the Legions, Armiena became depressed in her new role, and was discharged for insubordinate conduct. Later, when drinking away her sorrows, Armiena decided.... she could take on the Military Police that was responding to a brawl. She stabbed a trooper in the neck. When she realized what she had done, she fled into the forests of the Northern Region, and hid from the Legions for more than a month. When she finally returned to the Imperial City to recover her belongings, the rebellion against Darel began.

Armiena was accepted back into the Legions for her service in the siege of the Imperial City, and served with distinction to defend the Galoric Empire against the raiders. For her service (and because of the deaths of her commander), she was promoted as the new leader of the Central Division.

Armiena is fanatically loyal to the Galoric Empire, and wishes nothing more than to see it return to its former glory.


Sex: Female


Age: 27


Previous profession: hunter


Weapons/Armor: Imperial Steel Longsword: Officer's variant (lighter, more decorative, and slightly longer than a standard Galoric longsword).

Imperial Steel Plate Mail: Officer's variant (heavier, more decorative, and stronger than standard Galoric armor) with underlying Imperial Steel Chain Mail.


Tactics: Although standard Galoric military doctrine uses heavily armed foot soldiers and crossbowmen (are crossbows allowed here?), Armiena has pulled what little influence she has to try to improve the crossbow designs for greater range and less power.

Now, Galoric tactics have shifted towards a mix of light cavalry archers and infantry divisions.

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good thinking, I got a trojan horse I while back... anyway the mentioning of rivers and islands is all fine and dandy, I left the outside of the Galoric Empire as a blank slate so the players could fill in the geogrphy of their Empire.
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okay, it seems that A New Power is dying, we have a ton of ally Empires which is good, but to start this game I want... um (rolls D20) 4 enemy Empires that want to try to take over Galor... I am a little pre-occupied with my much larger Rise of the Undead project now but if you recall I am not behind schedule at all... at the earliest expect this game ready to start during the first week of summer break (if we have enough players).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Evien

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Previous Proffesion: Hunter

History: Evien hunted for animals in the woods with an old yew bow and birch arrows he made himself. Since he used guerilla(sp) for hunting, he adapted to use it for fighting. While he was out one day hunting his house was burned along with his family. Thirsty for vengence Evien joined the resistance.

Weapon of Choice: Yew bow and about 40 birch arrows


Am I allowed to join an empire? If so I'd like to join the Habassen(sp?) Empire.


I forgot to put weapon of choice specifically: Yew bow, kantana for close range. (the kantana was a family eirloom (sp?))

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