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Anyone willing to teach


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Today I was trawling the nexus and saw many of the fantastic mod that are available to us gamers, I wondered what could I make and looked at all of the tutorials that are on this site but they just confused me, so here is my question, Is there anyone who has the patience to teach me I have skype and email, I have many Ideas but no clue on how to implement them sadly if anyone is willing pm me and i will give you the info to contact me


Thanks in advance, look forward to hearing from ya :) xx

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Those things go over my head was looking for someone to walk me though it, I don't understand how this and this make that if ya get what I mean :(


The sum total of my modding knowledge = download with mod manager, Install mod , Play, break game, reinstall.

Edited by Lomoz
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This is exactly the reason why i pointed you to this thread...because there are 2 kinds of beginners:


1) Those that learn it themselves, there is a tutorial sticky, another thread with plenty of written tutorials, there are tutorials on TheNexus download section, there is an own tutorial and CK wiki and maaany tutorials on youtube and whatever and you can ask specific questions in the trouble or mod section and most questions are already answered => search function.


2) Those that need guidance and prefer a personal contact - BUT the chance to find someone that guides you to the whole thing is pretty low, close to 0% because most experienced modders don't have the time for something like that. So in my opinion some kind of "modding class" like mentioned in this thread would be a good idea because the chance to find someone that teaches a dozen people would be bigger than someone that teaches a single person - and you can help each other.

Edited by ghosu
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In addition to the above-mentioned resources, I got into modding by

(a) poking around the CK and breaking stuff

(b) the excellent complete beginner tutorials on the CK wiki which walk you through the very basics




Start small - build a basic dungeon. All the "create weapons and armor" stuff is great, but you will also need to learn/know how to work several other programs. Just poke around for a bit, the CK won't bite. Much.

Edited by acidzebra
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