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Help Corrupted Data


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hi, so, i have more than one character, and i was playing yesterday and i saved the agme and quit. when i came back, a few hours later, my main character was with a very big lag, and i did nothing in that few hours. i disabled some mods and it runed well, but, more or less in 5 in 5 minutes the game freezes for about 3 seconds.


i have another character that i played very well with it, i had no problems, but, since taht problem pops up, when i go trough a load window i get a crash to the desktop. with this character i'm in Whiterum, and i tried to get inside the bee and bard trhee times, it crashed, i tried to go with fast travel to Windhelm, it crashed, and i tried to go inside Belethor, crashed again


what is appening? is this corrupted data? cause i have one more character that i think its fine, until now i had no problems with this third character

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Have you shut down your computer in the meantime or just the game?


If it was the computer, well, how about you let Steam control your game files?


I assume that you use windows.


So how is your ram / cpu / I/O status when the error occurs (with other words, Task Manager and Resource Monitor).


Also, logging enabling could help and show you (and us) what your game is doing exactly when it crashes.


Another thing is that you could post your plugin.txt so we can see what mods you have.

Some are known to create problems.

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In addition to the above post; if you are using the Workshop for any of your mods--it will automatically update your workshop mods, so even if you thought nothing had changed, it may have.

I would try to run BOSS, including addressing any of the issues it lists in the log file. ( as well as hand placing any unrecognized mods).

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