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CK crashes all the time.... (Using the Skyrim SE version of the kit)


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I was trying to go through some tutorials and I've noticed that I seem to have a lot of problems with the CK crashing. It's crashed with a null pointer exception once or twice (not sure what caused it) and most frequently it has crashed silently when trying to resize the render window. And I've barely even started using it.


Is this typical? I mean I understand this is still essentially an internal development tool that was never intended to be a polished consumer-facing product but the number of crashes I've seen in a short period of time is rather discouraging. If this is typical I'm not sure how anything ever gets created with the creation kit. Is my system just odd somehow? It's just the latest windows 10, nothing terribly unusual. If anyone has any tips or ideas for me please let me know.


Someone told me to put this in the ini so I'm going to try that:


Just to be clear yes I'm using the SSE version of the kit downloaded with the Bethesda launcher, not the one in the tools section on steam.

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It's not normal for me, although with CK anything's possible! I sometimes get crashes when going from one worldspace to another in the render window. I found that after I downloaded 'creation kit fixes' from Nexus for SSE, Ck was much more stable. If you haven't got it, I'd recommend it anyway... it speeds up CK load times, sorts out things like not being able to make .lip files and much, much more.


I used to need the fix you mentioned above but now I don't... CK fixes again!


Maybe the CK fixes will sort this out. If not, one thing that often gives CK a much needed kick up the proverbial, is to navigate to it in whatever directory you have it in, right-click on the .exe and select 'Run as administrator'. You only need to do this once. It stops things like not being able to view scenes in quests, etc.

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Thanks! I tried installing that but the one I downloaded seems to be for an earlier version of the CK or something. I'll search around and see if I can find the right one.


Edit: unfortunately it seems like it's not supported anymore. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20061?tab=posts

Edited by nimrodxy
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