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[Req] Immersive Rowboat


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Hello guy's,


I recently started playing really hardcore immersion mod, and getting wet in the wild is deadly...

So i wanted to use that small rowboat just there next to me, to realize that I'm srewed... Can't use it


I would definitly make this mod myself, but i'm lacking the Scripting knowledge... anything else i can deal with myself....

So the idea is to "replace all these rowboat by scripted one, something that would force fist person on activate, then just move as usual with the rgular command...

I dont care about clipping trought mountains and stuff, all i want would be able to cross a lake / river without getting wet...


Plus, the lake by Falkreath seem like a very cool place to just row around for fun.... Manybe a fishing mod a well ?

I think those exist already ! I'll have to investigate this as well...


Thanks guy's let me know if i can be of help with the CK, (but no scriptting) sadly !


Edited by reaper9111
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There already are fishing mods (but I don't feel like searching for them ^^; ) but what I was actually going to say before I got to the end of your post was that there is a driveable boat mod. In fact, that's its name: "Driveable Boats beta". I know it's on Steam, but doesn't look like it's on the Nexus. I don't think that is makes the in-game boats usable, but you can craft your own boats. It's an improvement at least, if not wholly immersive.
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I have tried the fishing mod--while it is fun and clever, it actually does not involve casting a rod and waiting for the fish to bite, which I too would love to see.

I would likewise like to be able to row (or have my follower row me, lol) a boat. I could not find a mod that does that, but it seems it makes use of fast travel. If there is a rowing mod, could you please correct me and point to the mod?

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