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how do i report a inconsistancy in a guide on Github


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Here the thing, i'm cleaning mods via SEEDit aka XEdit and LOOT and one of the mods needs manual cleaning , so I'm thinking no problem I'll just follow the links and just use the guide here's the problem the guide in question, the pictures used are too small to be able to read where they want me to be in SEEdit and two they don't point out where in a ESM file (this case Hearthfires) where i'm to take the fix from.


here's the link to guide


Link> https://cptmcsplody.github.io/xGuides/#-moon-and-star-



Now the request does anyone know who you report such problems to.


Problem starts at step 2 (pass the part about open SSE Edit , clear all the files and choosing Moon and Star and setting the cleaning filter.


Thanks in Advance


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Hmm... If I right click on the image in Firefox I get an option to view image. Clicking this option makes the image much larger although it does replace the current tab. If going this route, opening a second tab with the guide just for use with examining the images might be a good idea.


Typically a project on GitHub has a section for Issues. This is where one would report a problem. However, the GitHub page in question doesn't seem to have one set up.

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