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Ban jaosals for whistling.

Banning vicICE


"Wise men are whistling because they have something to whistle; Fools because they have to whistle something"


Strange that it smells to me like a "lingering sense of déjà vu"... Oh! Of course... :blink: sorry, Monolithic0117...

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Banning vicICE because after 29 years, I still have not mastered the art of whistling.

I'm so sorry (Lol)... :whistling: Banned...




IceDragon987, give me a Kudo (Lol)...

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Ban Fifoo for using parts of someone's sig.

Ban monolithic as I have a niece that has the same problem.


The following is serious by the way..otherwise I would have asked to do so on a webcam....;).

Ban Monolithic as a way to learn to whistle you have to put your lips in a round like a O-kiss and do so tight, only when you blow out air it should provide a opening.

Move you head up and down (slowly) while (gently) blowing air out until you find the way to whistle. Don't blow to hard, and be sure your lips are hydrated. And yes... sounds stupid all stupid...but for some it works. If it still doesn't try lessing an increasing the o-lips when blowing out air. And closely pay attention to tone-changes when you blow out air, anything different should help you to start whistling. Moving up and down your tongue makes the difference between the height of tone.


Ever tried this? Lets see if you can whistle before your 30thst.

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