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Ban for Fun


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Ban you cuz you should ban me for giving you your 31th kudos...


Ban L33 cuz first off all, thanks for all your help, and I upload the files later, cuz I have to texture them again, cuz I deleted my finished .nif file yesterday completely cuz it had this ugly mistake, now I have to do it again (thanks god I saved the .blend file with the meshes...).

I hope I can finish it in about two hours.... :thanks:

also, I hope you're ok with that if II upload it in about 2 hours...I pm you then ;)

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Ban MHM for giving me my 31st kudo (:thanks:).


Did my tutorial help, or have you gotten a chance to look through it?

It wasn't too... :wacko: psychotic sounding... was it? I was really sleepy

towards the end of it.


Ban self for not being outdone because I had to have one more smiley than MHM used. :thumbsup:

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I already downloaded it and I also watched it already http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Crazy/12.gif I just need to finish texturing, then I can use the tutorial.

If it still doesn't work then http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Crazy/9.gif, I upload my files to L33, he (hopefully :thumbsup:) checks if I have made a mistake then...http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Asia-Emoticons/96.gif

Maybe something is wrong with my mesh, but I can't imagine that somehow...http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Crazy/58.gif


EDIT: ban myself for forgetting to ban http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Crazy/67.gif

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Ban MHM for trying to out-do me with the smileys. http://www.planet-smilies.de/a_smilies/zunge_2.gif


http://www.planet-smilies.de/a_smilies/huepf_2.gif :wallbash: :whistling:


Ban L33 for being helpful. ;)


Ban self for over-indulgence in random smileys. http://www.planet-smilies.de/a_smilies/alien_3.gif


Ban MHM for forgetting to ban and the editing to fix it. :whoops:

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Ban zprospero for banning me!


Also ban you, cuz you wouldn't win in a smiley war!



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