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Ban for Fun


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Ban ytse and MHM because I have to.


Ouroboros is an ancient symbol that represents eternity because it has no end.

(They used the name in RE5, yes)


It goes back further, but the oldest mention I can think of is Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent.


I was a dragon/wyrm that circled the Earth and grasped his own tail. When

he would release his tail from his mouth it meant Ragnarok, the end of the world,

would occur, and he'd rise out of the ocean and poison the sky.


Thor (No, not the one here :P) and Jörmungandr would fight during Ragnarok,

Thor would kill the serpent then take nine steps and die from the poison.


In my mod I used it because it's a symbol for endlessness and time (vaguely),

which is what the daedric prince you help create has is and has power over.




I assume it's like "colour" and "color". Both are correct,

it just depends on what you were taught.


I was taking my inspiration for the name from

this book (Which I had to read in college):


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Ban you cuz I think of staying awake all night, I got one day off one friday, means no school there, means tomorrow is the last day at school tomorrow and I'm not tired right now...


Ban Unavi cuz I cut my arm at this machine once in school



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