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Ban for Fun


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I ban anyone and everyne who is of current existing human flesh and anyone who has yet to become a human being..I also ban any creature who has had recent thoughts of what it would be like to be a human and i ban the entire "The Sims" franchise.. I ban you..i ban the person who bans me after this post..and i an anyone else who plans on banning me or anyone else for banning other people... i ban those that just joined the Nexus and i ban those that d not even know of the Nexus. I ban people with theknowledge f knowing what a nexus is.. i ban those that do not... i ban the Creature who created Math.. i ban the creature who decided to pass it down... I ban the person who invented the word "ban".. i ban..I ban the dictionary for posting the definition of the word "ban" i ban qoutation marks...i ban periods..(of all definitions). i banwords and languages,food,laughter,boots,trees,lions,really small rocks,the color blue,spongebob,the green ranger,babies,Canada,organization of any sort,economy,freedom of speech,freedom of religion,borak,warmth,tacos,getting sick,staying healthy,martha stewart,oprah,the entire American Idol saga,Earth,Space,Dark Matter,homers Theorycommon sense,commas Dark0ne edward cullen terminator 3 jonas brothers and so on.




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I ban the word "enchantment" and all the strange questions that it causes to arise


I ban Roe for the amusing nature of his ban, and for missing

creatures such as Site Bot and myself and HAL 9000:




(This is my running gag (aside from corn jokes), so if you don't get it, just glaze over it)

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