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Ban for Fun


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Banning Thor because I didn't realize that was Joker.



banning for banning AA for beating me to the poast :mad:



Banning gormonk for having a title which can also describe bowl movements :sick:



Banning rebalious for saying that my name reffers to bowl movements, witch it doesn't (gor reffering to blood fleash and bone in a pulp, monk reffering to a person in a brown robe, meaning= person in a brown robe coverd in gor)



Banning people with custom title.



Banning Trandoshan for having a horribly lengthy and mind-jarring gif in his sig.



Ban BKE cause someone made a flower bouquet into a weapon. (guess how that came to my mind :whistling: )


You're all banned.

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Ban ytsejam for expecting a ban!

Ban Me for knowing Thor would do so again!


(I really like the feature that you know who's watching the topic :biggrin: )

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