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Ban for Fun


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You're banned for good this time MHM. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:


Thor stikes again randomly at MonsterHunterMaster, ironically hits his abandoned off shore oil rig 30000000 times in international waters :ninja: .















































































































































































































































I WIN and immune to banning woot.

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to Thor for the awesome lightening, but *ahem* BANNED Uh-Gain for misuse of space and wreckless lightening bolting!! :teehee:


Banning Pronam Uh-Gain for not tasting and lovin the rainbow! Get some skittles man! :tongue:

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Banned forever.... :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:


Strikes each and every letter that is coloured 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times.


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Ok, it's like that huh? :confused: Ok, well Thor BANNED for each and every ZERO- 0 he's posted so far. Man! That's alotta zeros! :mellow:



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banned and fried


Oh ya well, well take this.... :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :teehee:



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