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Ban for Fun


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Ban netwit for reading my thoughts! My mind is my personal space!



Ban Netwit because I am thinking of reasons, thank-you very much :tongue:


Ban Slawter for not using capital when writing Netwit's name



i ban every one who has used a obsquire internet reffernce by summoning jinzo of the yu-gh-oh abridged series, ha take that peanut butter jelly time

i ban every noe for not paying attention to this ban



:laugh: :turned: :tongue: lmao!


Banning Slawter for being so stingy with his thought space! :dry:


Banning BE for thinking.......period, lol Then UNban BE for his chivalrous act of banning Slawter for not capitalizing my name :wub:


Banning EVERYone who didn't pay attention to Gormonk's witty ban! :wink:


Joins forces (eee gads!) with Thor, UNbans him, then helps him ban "the nonsense," lmao! :thumbsup:


Banning the Banhammer and the BanHamster on general principle- don't come around here no more....you've been warned interlopers! :ninja:

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Banning Netwit2008 for diving into the Nexus ocean one day before me.


Also ban myself for living with the "women and children first" guiding principle. :rolleyes:

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