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Ban for Fun


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bans DarkNinja13 because his sig is wrong...

SHAME ON YOU! o well, but truthfully, the Milkyway Galaxy is ever speeding up towards the Andromeda galaxy, and i cannot remember the exact estimated time of the crash, but i do know it is not within the next few hundred years.  secondly, the Milkyway galaxy is smaller, and will therefore be nearly consumed by the Andromeda Galaxy's black hole

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fine then... i ban banning for fun, and therefore ban all those who have banned for fun, including myself


and now i am tired of saying banned, which i will repeat for emphasis



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Ban Bontazor for banning the internet because it's "fun". The internet is not for fun unless you're a hacker going after a network site (ask the idiots in the Ukraine who were messing with the site today, the loosers).
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