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Ban for Fun


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Ban Pagan for the reason of this story that has nothing to do with him, BECAUSE he isn't a coffee table!


One day a dog went on a walk and found a spider under a trashcan made out of pineapples and spit. The dog said to that spider, "On what morrow does your feet swing past your knees?" with a cheery, almost uplifting voice as if he was going to murder the spider's first born son, and mother. With this wonderful gesture of intended pineapples, the spider did sway six of eight mandibles to confirm welcoming, "Bite my thorax, butt sniffer!"


The dog went on and found a photo of a giant miniature of a lifesized monocle. He lifted his head and tilted his hairs at the round glass so strangely small for such a large object and objected the cynical politics it represents in the Chinese opium trade, then tarried away to find his foot painted red by the chihuahua assassin and feinted. When he came to in a hospital built out of soda cans and mashed up slugs he found that all of his possessions were completely salty in taste, and complained to the head nurse about the lack of bellows for the oven. The nurse shouted in shock and reminded him he can not cook his IV bag inside the coffee maker. With a chuckle and a slap, the dog apologized, and the nurse reminded him it is a common mistake, and no shame should be taken.


After three days and about the pineapple mafia found out that the dog was admitted to "Sluggish Care Hospital" and immediately sent out a couple dozen rose shaped lead children replicas to remind him that they are owed three scooby snacks and a chewy, and they will not forget. This scared the dog so much that an old man somewhere else in the world wet the dogs pants. The dog asked the nurse in the bikini lobster apron that he will be checking himself out after biting his leg for forty minutes.


Once he leaves the hospital and started to bark, purposely announcing his position to the Pineapple mafia in order to trick them that he was somewhere else, he ran to the shore and ate his burger. And all the screen doors in people's houses never had to worry about another bad harvest again, because the coffee table was safe.


The end.


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