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Ban for Fun


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Haha. You are so amusing. But you may believe what you wish, and can continue being deluded. Even then, it is much kinder to keep that sense of humor to yourself. You can keep your junk.


So I still stand. Ban you for even saying that because I personally don't share your same humor.

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Banned for a record number of bans per post. :/


thats not a record this is a record:


ban sitebot so darkb0t can take his place ban commandercrazy for bribing people internets ban pushtaku so he won't lead the rebellion against darkb0t ban whoever started this thread ban blue for banning so many people ban spaceritual for... i got nothing :laugh: ban trueform for making giant ants that want to kill everyone ban me for banning these people and for unleashing trueform's ants on the world :devil: ban tranoshan for banning me for banning about 8 people in one post ban thecalliton for banning blue for banning al for banning himself ban aliastheory for banning commandercrazy for cloning internets and for banning alias for not taking his "internets" ban deus ultima for the banhammer pic he attached to his comment ban spyro1201 for banning us all :( ban josh900 for banning spyro1201 ban dezdimona for banning spyro (thats three bans for him :)) for snorting fire ban LHammonds for banning Marcus Wolfe for getting to ban twice (just in case this is a joke so its NOT to be taken seriously) ban lip for...for.. you come up with a reason lol ban kresselack for thinking he can't be banned ban Dark0ne so darkb0t can take his doomsday plan into action :devil: (again just a JOKE not to be taken seriously) ban sarya for banning dez for her new avatar ban little timmy for banning himself because he has to go to school? and finally ban me (again) for having no life ;)


hey that was fun lol

Edited by hollowman125
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Ban hollowman because I was not bribing anyone with internets.


But do you know what my sig is?

25 internets for the what the robot is called, a further 25 if you get the show name.


15 internets for an incorrect guess.


2 internets for saying 'I dont know' or similar.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Ban hollowman because I was not bribing anyone with internets.


But do you know what my sig is?

25 internets for the what the robot is called, a further 25 if you get the show name.


15 internets for an incorrect guess.


2 internets for saying 'I dont know' or similar.


wow im an idiot my bad :sweat:


and i don't know.. wait the terminator right!?! lol

Edited by hollowman125
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Nope, 15 internets for a guess.


Here's a tip for ya.



35 33 20 34 39 20 33 32 20 35 31 20 35 31 20 33 32 20 35 34 20 39 39 20 33 32 20 35 35 20 35 31 20 33 32 20 35 34 20 35 30 20 33 32 20 35 31 20 35 30 20 33 32 20 35 31 20 35 32 20 33 32 20 35 34 20 35 35 20 33 32 20 35 33 20 34 39 20 33 32 20 35 31 20 35 30 20 33 32 20 35 33 20 35 34 20 33 32 20 35 35 20 35 33 20 33 32 20 35 34 20 35 32 20 33 32 20 35 32 20 35 36 20 33 32 20 35 33 20 35 34 20 33 32 20 35 35 20 35 37 20 33 32 20 35 34 20 34 39 20 33 32 20 35 33 20 35 35 20 33 32 20 35 31 20 35 37 20 33 32 20 35 35 20 35 33


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