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Ban for Fun


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Ban SRSTH for threatening to do that sort of post on me. I challenge you, sir. Do your worst. :D


No, thanks XD ban commandercrazy for thinking I was going to pull out that freaking list again.


and ban crysis2 again, and the first one for the biggest cliffhanger ever.

Edited by somerandomsheepthathops
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Ban SRSTH for threatening to do that sort of post on me. I challenge you, sir. Do your worst. :D


No, thanks XD ban commandercrazy for thinking I was going to pull out that freaking list again.

ban sheep because the steal my list!!! :angry:

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Ban SRSTH for threatening to do that sort of post on me. I challenge you, sir. Do your worst. :D


No, thanks XD ban commandercrazy for thinking I was going to pull out that freaking list again.

ban sheep because the steal my list!!! :angry:


1. ban pagan for using an old ban

2. ban pagan for using a spoiler tag

3. ban pagan for using a spoiler tag within a spoiler

4. ban pagan for removing his sheep

5. ban pagan for his sig

6. ban pagan in German (google translator failed me :sad:)

7. ban pagan for having a bird as his avatar

8. ban pagan for banning in color

9. ban pagan in this color

10. ban pagan in all the colors

11. ban pagan

12. ban pagan

13. ban pagan

14. ban pagan


ban pagan in spoilers


ban pagan in quotes

17. ban pagan for being banned 17 times

18. ban pagan with a devil :devil:

19. pay someone to ban pagan for no reason :teehee:

20. ban pagan for being a ninja? :ninja: (ran out of ideas for the moment)

21. ban pagan with love XD (not serious in any way)

22. ban pagan for being: :down:

23. ban pagan for making a list of 30 bans

24. ban pagan with a golden banhammer

25. ban pagan with a banhammer that has a spike at the end of it

26. ban pagan with a ban nuke :nuke:

27. ban pagan for being banned 27 times

28. ban pagan because I'm running out of ideas

29. ban pagan with a emoticon :blink:

30. ban pagan for reading all these bans

31. ban pagan for still having this list go on

32. ban pagan for, for... I'm out of ideas :teehee:

33. ban pagan for calling me "jallowman125"

35. ban pagan for calling me "rsheep"

36. ban pagan for not calling me somerandomsheepthathops

37. запрет pagan в России (ban pagan in Russian(i think))

38. ban pagan for banning me in whatever language this is: qɐu ɥoןןoʍɯɐu ndsıpǝ poʍu

39. ban pagan for pancakes

40. ban pagan for being banned 40 times in one comment

41. ban pagan for joining after me

42. ban pagan for having more posts then me on this account

43. ban pagan for having less posts on my other account

44. ban pagan for removing the "morrigan is right, being mean is fun" section from his sig

45. ban pagan for joining after me on this account

46. ban pagan for not creating another ban list

47. ban pagan for wanting coal

48. ban pagan for calling me HMW before

49. ban pagan for not getting his coal

50. ban pagan for not creating a list thats longer then 50 bans

51. ban pagan and blame it on sitebot

52. ban pagan for banning me about 70 times on this topic

53. ban pagan with a rocketlawnchair

54. ban pagan for not double banning

55. ban pagan for saying nothing good comes from double banning

56. ban pagan for being banned 56 times

57. ban pagan with a pirate :pirate: (not the ones that download games illegally)

58. ban pagan in some other language

59. ban pagan for banning darkedge for winking for no reason at all

60. ban pagan because my ban list is twice as long

61. ban pagan if he reads all of this

62. ban pagan in very small text

63. ban pagan for banning in purple

64. ban pagan for banning in white

65. ban pagan for banning me for banning in "FFFFFFFFF" whatever that is.

66. ban pagan, reinstate him and ban him again

67. reinstate pagan and ban him

68. ban pagan for being reinstated

69. ban pagan for not noticing the cactus in the middle of the road.

70. ban pagan in 2 hours

71. ban pagan with a bannhammer that's been cleaned

72. ban pagan for not creating this thread in the first place

73. ban pagan for banning several times

74. ban pagan for not banning in color

75. ban pagan for bacon

76 ban pagan with this :D

77. ban pagan with this to :wallbash:

78. ban pagan for being :thumbsup:

79. ban pagan for being confused :confused:

80. ban pagan for reaching 80 bans in one post

81. ban pagan for being called "the bird"

82. ban pagan for calling himself the ban king

83. ban pagan because I can

84. ban pagan for editing his list so his will be bigger than mine.

85. ban pagan for not posting in this thread anymore

86. ban pagan for having hundreds of more reason to ban

87. ban pagan because I want to

88. ban pagan in all lowercase


90. ban pagan for not paying the fine for stealing items

91. ban pagan because I can't remember what sheep avatar he had.

92. ban pagan for not being the lounge king

93. ban paganwannbe for being called by his full name instead of pagan

94. ban pagan for banning in different languages

95. ban pagan for not using :turned:

96. ban pagan :devil:

97. ban pagan for never using any pics when he bans

98. ban pagan for bacon flavored pancakes :D

99. ban pagan for not liking bacon

100. ban pagan for not liking pancakes

101. ban pagan for not liking magical fly dragons

102. ban pagan because whistling told me to XD

103. ban pagan because my list is the same size as yours

104. ban pagan because my list is now bigger

105. ban pagan for not being the one who created this thread

106. ban pagan for not banning the person who banned him.

107. ban pagan with a glass banhammer

108. reinstate pagan and ban him again

109. give pagan 3 strikes and ban then

110. ban pagan for not making his list have 110 reason to ban me

111. ban pagan for not calling hopper or somerandomsheepthathops

112. ban pagan for not returning to this thread.

113. ban pagan for making me have to bring this giant list out again

114. ban pagan for not liking the spartan sheep

115. ban pagan for not liking the santa sheep avatar

116. ban pagan for calling me santa

117. double ban pagan

118. triple ban pagan

119. ban pagan for not adding a lot of numbers at the end of his name.

120. ban pagan with a ban stick

121. ban pagan for not liking waffles.

122. ban pagan for not liking bacon flavored bancakes

123. ban pagan for not liking bancake flavored bacon :woot:

124. ban pagan with a link attached to this text

125. ban pagan with a ban-rifle?

126. ban pagan because this is the number I use for almost everything

127. ban pagan because the reason to ban pagan 126 is a LIE.

128. ban pagan for not respecting ninjas :ninja:

129. ban pagan because his list is still inferior.

130. ban pagan because my list is superior.

131. ban pagan for not going past 104 reason to ban on his list

132. ban pagan for hating hopping sheep.

133. ban pagan for being a bird person

134. ban pagan for having the word wannbe in his name

135. ban pagan for saying my name is extremely long, its very short.

136. ban pagan for not using the ban hollowman125 again.

137. ban pagan for not asking the question if pirates are better than ninjas

138. ban pagan for not knowing that the answer to the question, its magical dragons are better.

139. ban pagan for not posting in this wonderful thread again.

140. ban pagan because I'm getting close to 150.


Ban pagan for accusing me of stealing his list :verymad:

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ban somerandom for calling forth this list of bannage from the past


ban EVERYONE because I have to go to work and I really just wanna sleep


ban crysis 2 for being a one-time-play-though game


ban Blizzard for having not released D3 yet


ban Beth for having not released Skyrim yet


ban Microsoft for having not released Mechwarrior Reboot yet


ban everyone with the all powerful BANHAMMER because I need new video games to play


Heroic let me tell ya.

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