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Ban for Fun


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I ban you because I have never seen you before and for being sexist, clothist and pornist (yes, the last two are new words made up by me). How dare you take my right to watch porn away? Shame on you and your drinking
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@ Brokenery..


Cheers to you for making up new words while watching pony porn..


I instead now ban Delikatessen for making a good point.. and leave Delikatessen with a Night filled with 400 billion moons... actually one but its pretty shiny..

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I ban that guy above Thor for thinking that I watch pony porn. Everyone know that I watch Yaoi as all women do and guys watch pony porn :rolleyes:


Ban Thor for that stupid picture.

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That guy below brokenergy bans brokenergy again, this time for banning Thor before I could for that stupid picture.. and bans himself for a stupid run on sentence.. and for actually trying to make sense out of the fact that your ponies are wearing helmets.. and for editing this post due to that fact I think I got gipped.. my pony porn has not helmets.. are there suppose to be helmets.. GiveMeBackMyDollar
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