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Ban for Fun


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Sorry for the sefimkeriblidnijism wasder :(

Philo you better apologize for comitting sefimkeriblidnijism!

That is a serious crime my friend :P


Bans Philosopher for saying something i don't understand, whats a saturation point??

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You guys have to come back into the Stonned world


Ok here goes, just listen to my rambles. It will make you go mental,


Licking the petals of a FLower and feeling up a stone while riding a bike and biting a fly as soon as it enters your nostrel and trying to unsuccessfully punch a dust particle while talkin to hippy hippos that are coincidentally homosexual and like to milk cows as well by placing a wooden stool inside its biochemical reaction system all for the glory of the dreadfather sithis as well as a tiny LEMON CAKE!!


Squeeze teh lemonade!! YA MAN!!


FEEL MY MILKY WRATH LILIES! You guys stilll in saturated world??

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I hereby apologize for obgargidilisation.


Although i would lyk proof that i have committed these crimes oh solemn lord.


Bans wasder for not telling me what i have done

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