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Ban for Fun


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Ban Keylek because I tried not forgiving and forgetting and it failed. Maybe it just varies from person to person.


But don't try it once to see it fail and give up on doing it. You can fail in life, but cannot afford to fail with life.


And I have no intent to lecture anyone.

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ban jaosal because stop trying to make me feel sorry for you because it will not work, i have grown to hate life itself, and if you think petty ''holy'' talk will make me me sorry for your ''sins'' you have another thing coming to you, you are nothing more than a bully, you picked on people on the forum, and now you want forgiveness, well here is a tip for you... you are not going to get it from me or anyone, good bye jaosal, for the last time. i do hope we never meet because i feel like some blood right now, and believe me, mavrosh and a few others knows what i can do...
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Ban Keylek because I am not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me. I'm only telling you to look at the better side of life as a whole.


Life, not me.

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ban jaosal because because he must be blind, he seems to not see life around him, i have seen life, i have seen death, i have seen the world, and i have only seen one thing and that is death, and my life? my life is fine, it is yours which you should be worried about now...
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