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Ban for Fun


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Banning Birrii for having a nice avatar, while I don't even really know what it is...

(Banning myself for still not having one...)

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Banning Aziraphale cause he could not have known, most of the things were open-source of that bot.

And I only have done about 20 lines about nexus and oblivion.

(Still appreciating people talk to her. The more she learns! Maybe she can solve mod problems in the future, lol )


(Owk can someone explain me why the bot asked me to find www.asda.co.uk for some broccoli? :D )

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Ban Aziraphale for teaching Sara where to get broccoli.

(Banning myself for taking care of that just a minute ago....)

(Banning someone for asking Sara what is brocolli instead of broccoli.)

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