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Ban for Fun


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Ban argomirr for realizing the error of his ban-o-rific ways


Double ban argomirr for first banning himself then trying to ban genpatton after prevously banning himself and relinquishing his ban powers


EDIT: Ban genpatton2 for psoting a head of me.


Double ban genpatton because I love the Marine Corps (and am leaving for boot camp in January)



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oorah brother

ban harabec for not going to naval academy and not being a marine corps officer


i wonder if ill be your co one day


that is if i make it into/graduate from the naval academy


one of these days we got to get our own academy....

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haha ban genpatton for thinking we will get our own academy


Its an admirable idea dont get me wrong lol. I support it completely, but all our certificates say "Department of the Navy and the Marine Corps" so unless that changes I dont see it happening.


Haha yea you'll be over when you get out, Ill be a grunt, most likely PFC when I get back from Parris Island, PFC hopefully lol. Going in for infantry and I wanna work my way up to Recon. My old freind from high school Skyler, now Sgt. Howett is going Recon. I wanna run mssions with him for sure!

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