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Ban for Fun


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Ban self for being stubborn as well, as I firmly believe about 80-95% of the tests I took will have no bearing in real life, unless

it's the creativity I sometimes had to exercise to pass. (On a Philosophy test, I had forgotten one of the theories, so I made up

one of my own which alluded to bits of the theory I had forgot (I do remember disagreeing with it). I passed the test and the

professor tried to talk me into to switching my minor)


Oh, and because I've been trying to get my number of posts to 300 for the past week and am still failing.

EDIT: (Woohoo!)

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Ban zprospero for editing his post, 200 to go and you'll have your custom rank-title.

Ban myself as I'll loose my 'Premium' status tomorrow and I'll have to look against 5 blocks again.

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Ban zprospero for asking and getting an answer

For me? Room for 500 pm-messages instead of 50. (and maybe a bigger attachment space)

Here are the other reasons why you could do it, besides supporting a place you visit often.


It basically is for mod-downloaders, but the recent feature of 450 more messages made me most happy.

(I did it as I reached 2500posts and thought to do a little gift back to nexus, just a months premium.)

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