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Ban for Fun


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heheh, ban you for trying to make me tired!


well, i enjoy the music, thanks http://www.planet-smilies.de/musik/musik_006.gif


but that is a real band:






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Ban MHM for using multiple emoticons to make up your band. Now they will all make solo albums and break up... :(


Take this!


Getting tired yet? *Yawn*



EDIT: Ban self for not fully watching the smiley animation beforehand... :blink:

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ban zprospero because he edited his post.


also ban him because i just added the singer and a guitarist to the band.


Here are your spaghetti CommanderCrazy:




btw.: ban zprospero because i am not tired.


even though im listening to metal right now. also its too early to go sleep (4:15 am)




did you recognised i didnt use cuz in my post?

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