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Ban for Fun


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i banish you for having a gross pizza, i mean Chinese food should not be on pizza, even corn.. Mini eww :sick: :sick: :sick:


that's not a true pizza...


I know someone who could make a fantastic Italian pizza if you want :cool:


i mean yours is like this...




:sick: :sick:

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Ban Thor for reminding me of the existence of corn.


Ban MHM for having a sig that led Thor to mention corn.


Ban corn because it's everywhere! I will destroy you corn!


Where I went to school there was an intersection in the middle

of the building that led to all four exits. No matter which way you

looked you saw this:




Corn!!!!!!!! From Hell's heart I stab at thee, you evil vegetable!



Come on, that was pretty crazy. Vote for me: Link

I'm serious though I hate corn.



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