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Improve Skyrim's bleak Landscape


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Hi there was wondering if anyone can recommend a GOOD mod that improves the dull and barren samey landscape of skyrim as this was one of teh things i hated about oblivion and skyrim the landscapes and ares were all the same. In Morrowind all the areas had different looking environments
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I don't think that such an overhaul mod like you described exits.


All you can do is improve on the existing terrain features using mods such as: Enhanced Distant Terrain, Lush Trees, Trees LODs with shadows, Lush Grass, and Skyrim Flora Overhaul.


Bear in mind that the game engine seems to be designed primarily with consoles in mind, therefore it doesn't like additional locations within external scenery.


A good mod which I feel genuinely adds to an undeveloped environment is: Solitude Docks District but (dependent on your pc) it can negatively impact on your performance.


Another mod I've come across with the same effect is: LC-Become King of Riverhelm which adds a big-ass castle-like area near Riverwood.


Otherwise, all I can suggest is that you look in Nexus' mod category list for things such as player homes, castles etc. These will no doubt add to the Skyrim environment, but as I said, won't provide any significantly new areas and "feel" within the province.


BTW: If you want an area to explore that does have a completely alternative feel to the regular Skyrim experience, I suggest trying the mod: Moonpath to Elsweyr which adds a hardcore junglist location (with missions).

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