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FOV Modifier — how to change the default FOV value?


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The default value "90" is in reality likely over 110° horizontal and causes too much "warping" for my taste. "80" or "85" is more suitable. I didn't find a way by editing "FOV Modifier.esp" in a text editor.



v2.0 - No starting menu. Default FOV is 90. Change FOV by typing in the console "Set CustomFOV to #" (without quotes). FOV range is now 60-120.



The "Set CustomFOV to" command doesn't stick, has to be re-entered at least after restarting the game.

Edited by seppesusi
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I use FOV Zoom myself.


- Edit - To be clear ... I don't use the zoom function at all, but the INI does allow me to set exactly the normal FOV I prefer. Set it once in FovZoom.ini and that's it.

Edited by Striker879
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