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[LE] Is there a way to fix this spouse store bug with the Miraak Follower mod?


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I've been testing this in Skyrim SE and am trying to add more dialogue for this mod since I feel Miraak's current dialogue as a follower is a bit....lackluster. I've added everything I've wanted, however the one issue I've constantly been facing is getting the store option to work for him.


This is the mod I've been tweaking: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19829


When I get married to Miraak usually a spouse first entering the player home is supposed to say something like "it's a wonderful home, I will open up a shop" and THEN the store options to trade or ask for store money will appear in the player dialog window.


^However in Miraak follower's case even though I added a line for him in the RelationshipMarriageFIN quest to say something like this with the same conditions that a vanilla spouse would have (such as a flag being "say once" and LocationHasKeyword - LocTypePlayerHouse) ..the store option still never appears in the dialogue window; when he says the line at home.


I still have the option for a homecooked meal however I can't ever ask for store money/trade. I tested the original Miraak Follower mod and I still faced the same issue; I was thinking possibly it's because the original author Transientfaith made the mod without any Hearthfire master dependencies but I'm not sure what to do at this point. Can anyone offer some guidance?

Edited by brownie187
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