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NVSE won't work


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I've been trying to get nvse to work but for some reason it won't i have downloaded the latest version and followed the directions put all the dll and .exe files to theFallout NV directory. I've also tried using the console command getnvseversion and i get cannot parse this line. I'm really at a loss as to whats causing this. on a side note my reputation seems to be missing for the major factions like the legion, NCR, and powder gangers. when i go to the pip boy it only shows my rep for novac, goodsprings, and the followers. (I'm also not sure how to copy and paste my load order down so if someone can tell me how to do that it would be helpful.) thanks and kudos to anyone who answers and sorry for my noob questions. Edited by gunslinger6792
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load order ,in your mod manager look for EXPORT LOAD ORDER follow the destructions given

as the game aint been patched in a while id ask ( that always breaks nvse ).........


are you using project nevada or nevada skies or 4gb loader etc cos it may be the old chestnut of wrong type of nvse theres the nvse4gb and the regular version

and the faction issue other than the generic "a mod conflict "answer ...i will pass on that .

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load order ,in your mod manager look for EXPORT LOAD ORDER follow the destructions given

as the game aint been patched in a while id ask ( that always breaks nvse ).........


are you using project nevada or nevada skies or 4gb loader etc cos it may be the old chestnut of wrong type of nvse theres the nvse4gb and the regular version

and the faction issue other than the generic "a mod conflict "answer ...i will pass on that .


Kudos to you for the help. no i don't have project nevada, nevada skies, or a 4gb loader. as far as nvse goes ill triple check but im sure im using the regular version on the nvse wepsite. on a side note i think i found out what was causing my factions issues.

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