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The wilds wish to take skyrim back


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Recently I installed a few mods into skyrim to get a better sense of immersion from the game as a hunter/ranger. After installing said mods things were fine for a bit, but now there are roving hoards of frost bite spiders all over the place. They're practically performing raids on small villages and the outer gates of major cities, whiterun and windhelm in particular. this behavior is not limited to the spiders though. Wolf packs have been displaying similar behavior, even going as far as (and I'm not making this up) teaming up with the spiders. It has also affected the saber cats, but their behaviour is much different. Groups of two to three saber cats (one the regular species and the other snow saber cats) will enter int turf wars in villages, first killing each other and then the remaining attacking the villagers. I'm certain this has to be a bug of some sort and am looking for anyone else who has had similar experiences. If so by all means reply to this post. I'm interested what mod(s) may be causing this or if it is a bug caused by mod conflicts.
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I wonder if one of the mods you installed for immersion is SkyTEST. I used it and then I saw sabrecats killing each other, so it sounds similar. I'm not actually convinced it's a bug, though; the point of that mod is to change animal AI.
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SkyTEST might be part of it, but I doubt it is the culprit solely on its own. I never encountered anything near as bad as the description when I used SkyTEST. Haven't upgraded to the recent 1.27 build as I've been keeping a reduced # of mods for testing the few mods that I'm working on. If there was a mod that increased spawns as well then I could see the two together causing such issues.
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Unfortunately I've got no useful advice, other than to agree that it does sound like the description of SkyTEST. I just wanted to say that I almost spit coffee on my keyboard reading your post about wild bands of super-intelligent frost spiders methodically conquering one village at a time as they sweep through Skyrim on what is obviously some sort of spider jihad. I haven't laughed that much in a while. Brings back memories of someone's plea for help regarding dozens of naked women in the lobby of the Tiber Septim Hotel. Edited by chaospearl
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I just wanted to say that I almost spit coffee on my keyboard reading your post about wild bands of super-intelligent frost spiders methodically conquering one village at a time as they sweep through Skyrim on what is obviously some sort of spider jihad.


I know right? I'm totally installing skyTEST now because hey, combined spider/wolf raids - what's not to like?


OP, please post your mod list - I would like to duplicate your awesome problem.

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