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Serana's vampire ritual


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(this thread may contain subjects and themes that are inappropriate for people below 18 years of age, if you are 17 years old and below please leave this thread)


anyone know the exact details of how Serana and her mother became a vampire?


I've heard in-game dialogue and read wiki and all i know is that females who wants to become a pure blood vampire offered themselves to Molag Bal and we know what Molag Bal is, the king of rape and asking Serana about leads to her telling you that she'd rather not talk about it because it was degrading and not really a wholesome family activity, so do you think in order to become a pure blood vampire a female have to be raeped by Molag Bal?


and how do males (most notably her Father) become a pure blood vampire? i don't have much details on that

Edited by marcussims67
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You and jack are both quite possibly right... There's no reason guys don't have to get taken by Molag Bal too, as far as that goes. He had some spear-lessons with Vivec,after all :P


(Granted htere are a lot of other things it could be, even in the same vein. Like having to take, torture, and sacrifice poor innocent subjects.)

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i just remembered that Daedric Princes can change forms or gender like Sanguine did in the drinking contest, so i think its possible that Molag Bal transformed into a girl when he did Harkon's ritual, or its possible that Molag ordered Harkon to raep 100 women for him to grant Harkon pure blood vampirism or something like that


and i just realized that Molag Bal has STD that grants you Pure Blood Vampire powers 0__o


i never quite understood what or how things happened with Vivec and Molag, did Vivec get raeped by Molag or the other way around? and what was Molag's form when they did this? male or female form?


and i found this page here, it seems legit but its really funny if you get what it means


Edited by marcussims67
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LOL 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 14


my favorite parts are

"Vivec lay with Molag Bal for eighty days and eight, though headless"

"The holy one returned at last, Vehk, golden with wisdom. His head found its body had been tenderly used"

"My love is accidentally shaped like a spear."

"They took their spears out and compared them"

"The Velothi and demons and monsters that were watching all took out their own spears. There was much biting and the earth became wet"

"Vivec wept as he slew all those around him with his terrible new spear. He named it MUATRA, which is Milk Taker"


so that's why spears are gone in-game since oblivion, they're penises


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  • 1 year later...


(this thread may contain subjects and themes that are inappropriate for people below 18 years of age, if you are 17 years old and below please leave this thread)


anyone know the exact details of how Serana and her mother became a vampire?


I've heard in-game dialogue and read wiki and all i know is that females who wants to become a pure blood vampire offered themselves to Molag Bal and we know what Molag Bal is, the king of rape and asking Serana about leads to her telling you that she'd rather not talk about it because it was degrading and not really a wholesome family activity, so do you think in order to become a pure blood vampire a female have to be raeped by Molag Bal?


and how do males (most notably her Father) become a pure blood vampire? i don't have much details on that

For males, the seducers and/or winged twilights would likely be the ones. In fact, I would doubt Molag Bol routinely engages in intercourse with mortals, so I find it more likely Dremora rape the females. Usually. He does go both ways.


In ESO in Coldharbour, there's a male you rescue from the capture of seducers and twilights, and if you read his notes he was having a hard time staying faithful to his wife. They're quite aggressive lol.

Edited by chocolatenoodle
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  • 3 years later...

If you try out the mod that's called Armorous Adventures , You will get the truth comes out of Serana herself. The ritual of becoming a vampire is that Serana was raped by Molag Bal, until her human life have ended and for her suffering Molag Bal have bestowed the gift of Vampirism. Her mother Valerica had sex with Molag Bal and Harkon have killed hundreds of innocent of people in order to keep his position in power.....You have to realized that Harkon useto be a king that was alive ,until they've heard about Molag Bal's returned .....Valerica have loved of being raped by Molag Bal....Molag bal is a genderless of a daedric Prince .......it's on the Elder Scrolls Lore......You can watch it on YouTube : Starts with Vivec and Molag Bal : I know this since I've watched it and have tried out Armorous Adventures on Skyrim. I really do hope that this will answer your curiosity / questions

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  • 1 year later...

Correct soldierboy96. I run Amorous Adventures, along with Eager NPCs (SLEN) mods. I was shocked by the explicit details bestowed upon me by Serana, concerning Molag Bal, and how she died, then was turned. I was so bewildered, and sadden by her story, I almost uninstalled the mods. But, curiosity set in, (since it's just a video game)... which then led me, and my follower Serana, to the abandoned house in Markarth, for further inspection.

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Molag Bal is the King of Rape, yes, but he is also more than that. He is the Prince of Domination, God of Schemes, Lord of Brutality. His sphere of domination and subjugation goes beyond the sexual.


Why would he rape Serana or Valerica when they submit to him? Where is the domination in that? They were willing participants, not captives brought before him to be broken.


Far more likely, their abuse was in what they had to do, not what was done to them. The absolute submission to his will, and dutiful carrying out of his commands. I think murdering and eating a child is probably more in line with what they would have had to go through. Willingly submitting to his orders, no matter how terrible, rather than being forced and assaulted.

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