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Switching armors?


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Hi there,


I'd like to get to the point.

I don't know anything about 3D modelling or related programs.


What I'm trying to do is:


I saw an armor mod I liked (which is a replacer of the stormcloack armor)

I want to use that mod, but replace something else with it (the blue mage robes)

Changing the file names, or placing them in different folders doesn't seem to work.


Is there a way to simply choose an armor skin I like, and choose which armor it replaces?

An easy way that people like me, who know nothing about 3D modelling or related programs, can do?



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you need to find the armour addon in the ck and change the files it uses. you could do the same thing and make it a separate item just as easily. look on youtube for videos for how to add new armours, it only takes a few minutes at most.
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