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Merging Plugins


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So I've spent about 3 days so far downloading various mods, making sure everything is compatible and making a few compatibility patches and testing to make sure said patches work and I've managed to shrink my load order to 131 plugins. I'm still fairly new to merging so the merges I made were fairly minor and i avoided merging anything that looked like it might be problematic. Now that I am approaching the 140 plugin limit my question is are there any more plugins in my load order that are safe to merge so that I can make room for more mods should I choose to download more in the future? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d54grGgTVt/ This is my current load order. In the various testing I've done I can maintain a solid 60 fps in a majority of situations with very very few drops below 50.

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Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article. There is also the "Multiple file Merge-Up Procedure" article for a more complex example.


I don't see a "Merge Patch" file, which is different from a "merged plugin" file. (The difference is described in the first article linked above.) Please see the 'Merge Patch File' and 'Testing' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


There comes a time when all you can do is "give it a try" and be prepared for failure. Do not test using your current game. Create a "new game" specifically for the purpose of testing, with only the minimum of "essential mods" in the "load order". I suggest you save immediately after leaving Doc Mitchells house, and use that save as the starting point for your tests.



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