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can't access to Hjerim anymore!!!! :( ( CTD


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hi , well ... as the topic says i can't access Hjerim anymore i don't know why, i could enter it and exit it easily with no problem at all but yesterday it suddenly CTD when i tried to enter it and i'm unable to enter it since then no matter how many times i try it will crashes :( :wallbash:


what should i do ?

please help me . thank you

Edited by Misakichun
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Usually a CTD on entering a new cell means something is altering it and basically the game doesn't like it. You have two mods changing the same thing inside Hjerim? That'll be (most likely) your problem.
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i just have the female Mannequins and Hjerim mess bug fix and both of them are working fine , .. hmm .. i don't have any other mod for Hjerim :( don't know why it happens but i recently downloaded and installed better animal could it be the problem ? :unsure: i don't know how can it be connected though !!! Edited by Misakichun
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Are you using any ENB's?

If you are, try going to enblocal.ini and changing VideoMemorySizeMb using this formula,
VRam + SystemRam - 2048 =
Since my main video card has 2GB VRam and I have 8GB system ram, I set VideoMemorySizeMb=8192.
I also set ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 since I have more than 1GB VRam.

This may be unrelated but it may help your performance regardless. :smile:

Edited by Twitche21
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Are you using any ENB's?


If you are, try going to enblocal.ini and changing VideoMemorySizeMb using this formula,

VRam + SystemRam - 2048 =

Since my main video card has 2GB VRam and I have 8GB system ram, I set VideoMemorySizeMb=8192.

I also set ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 since I have more than 1GB VRam.


This may be unrelated but it may help your performance regardless. :smile:

Newb here, but no. No ENB's. Wouldn't know where to start with those yet. Shortly after posting this I figured out my Unofficial Skyrim patches were out of date. I updated them and regained access. Thanks though.

Edited by SteveCampsOut
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