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In need of a modder


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So i'm currently throwing around a few ideas for a mod.

I'd be writing a back-story, quests and dialogues for a new NPC/follower. (i'd also write extra music that plays during the first meeting of said companion).


However, I have absolutely no modding experience, just experience with writing story lines and music.


Bare in mind i'm just in the 'idea' stage right now, but if any modders would be up for taking on a new project with me, then please, do message me.




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Honestly you should probably explain more about your idea, nobody can know if they're interested in working with you if they don't know what they're working on. most people who have taken the time to get familiar enough with the CK to help you probably have things they're interested in doing for themselves, so you might need to entice them into helping you with an interesting hook ;)
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